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Old 12-19-2008, 07:43 AM   #9
Gravy Boat Winnah.
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Default Re: So Politically Correct we can't talk?

Merry Christmas!
That wasn't hard to say. Heck, I can even say
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Didn't even blink an eye, that was so easy. I didn't hurt anyone by wishing them well, I didn't offend anyone by leaving them out, but if they want me to wish them happiness, I can do that, just greet me with your holiday greeting and I will return the same, with a smile on my face, and true intent that they do.

As far as PC BS goes, anyone that complains about someone saying Merry Christmas, or doesn't do it because they think it might offend someone needs a little rum and eggnog to loosen up, or... oh nevermind.

I just decided that I am going to wish every person I see today the heartiest "Merry Christmas!!" I can, and mean it. I might even throw in a hug or two to people I don't know, just to freak em out a little bit. I might even give some candy canes to some little kids.
Some days call for a stiff Pomade.
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