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Old 05-20-2011, 11:23 AM   #182
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Tatuaje Saints & Sinners club

Originally Posted by Superbad View Post
Now that I see what is on offer. I am passing. No mention of cigars with membership.
But than you won't get the playing cards, non-torch lighter and your commemorative coin. Being it's a cigar club they could have at least offered a torch rather than a soft flame lighter. I wish I knew what all was included in the smokers kit box. Are there any smokes smokes in it? Still no mention of cigars so I am passing too. Sorry but all the other marketing things included added up to maybe $30-$0 tops so the way I see it, there is very little return for my investment. Other than the T and hat the rest would be thrown in a box in the corner of my office.
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