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Old 05-20-2011, 11:02 AM   #2115
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Default Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody View Post
Ugggggghhh this is why I dont do this argument we can make these back and forths all day.

I already addressed the Sedin penalty call and why it was made. It was a makeup. I dont know how else to explain it. The Refs give makeups sometimes when they decide they missed something. Clearly a hockey fan should know that.

You seem to be wetting yourself over the Marleau fight. Please watch the game just prior to the fight. Your tough guy was crosschecking and sticking him. Why doesnt that tough guy do it to Clowe or Eager. He turned down those invites. Yup he goated a former bing winner into a fight. Hes a badass.

Now the Sharks are whiny bit&hes? Dude I am not going down this path with you. Post what you like. Talk all your trash and have fun playing with yourself.
We'll have to agree to disagree, but yes they are acting like whiny bit&hes based on the fact that between Games 1 & 2 they did nothing but whine about how those dirty nasty Canucks are a bunch of embellishing divers. More of the same in post game interviews after Game 2 except this time is was Sharks calling out Canucks for being cowards (because of course Bieska didn't also hand Eager his arse the last time they fought in the in 2009 playoffs ).

I get it, I really do... the Sharks are frustrated and embarrassed by their performance in the first two games and they're lashing out. It'd be funny it if wasn't just so pathetic. I really hope they (the Sharks) decide to bring their game tonight and make a series out of it.

As for Eager trying to dance with Bieska, unless tonight ends up in another blowout it'll be intriguing to see if Eager is really that dumb after his performance on Wed... because Bieska certainly won't be dumb enough to sit in the box for 5 with Eager in a tight game. Loosing 5 min of Eager's services vs 5 min of Bieska's would be a trade off San Jose would love to get, that's pretty lopsided in terms of talent removed from the game. If it does end up in a blow out I think you're right that there's a very good chance of Eager trying to go after Bieska, but McLellan better be careful about playing Eager in that scenario as the league would probably take a pretty dim view of intentionally creating that situation in light of the last game.

Eager is quite possibly one of the Canucks best weapons for the rest of the series, just goad him into becoming the same player he was on Wednesday (shouldn't be too hard with his history) and then capitalize on the resulting powerplays. Maybe we should get that girl to fly down to San Jose and sit next to the Sharks sinbin as an incentive to encourage his attendance

Frankly I think you'll see the series cool down a bit in terms of the extra-curricular stuff tonight. Both the Sharks and the Canucks are far too dangerous on the powerplay for either team to take needless penalties.
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