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Old 05-19-2011, 07:53 AM   #75
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Originally Posted by MrsSledn View Post
Medical doctors from my understanding, do not care for Chiropractors. Why? I don't know.

When I told my general physican the comment my Chiro said, she laughed a bit and put me on Flexirol.

So take a pill for relief or go the Chiropractic way? Put a band aid on a problem instead of finding out why the problem is happening to begin with?

It's each person's own choice.
I'm not saying chiropractors are all bad as I've used them in the past myself-God only knows that he'd probably do me some good for my current back issues. All I'm saying is a chiropractors himself has a vested interest in making you believe you're a patient for life.

What I'm suggesting is having a doctor that specializes in back issues give you an actual prognosis and how they would deal with it (a general physician is only someone I'd see for minor stuff like basic illnesses/wellness checks). If a specialist says the chiropractor is your best bet, by all means do so. Obviously, it's a surgeon's best interest to get you on the table, but I don't know of a legit doctor that is going to recommend surgery unless there are other less invasive options you haven't already tried without any relief.
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