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Old 05-18-2011, 11:39 AM   #71
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
A couple of my buds are chiropractors.
One of them explained to me how he was going to repair a half pound of smashed bone in my back with his voodoo. He can also cure everything from acne to polio.
I never was a big fan as a result of past treatments, and he sure didn't help. I understand he's an exception and not the rule, and there's quacks wherever there's room for quackery, but my experience with Chiropractic has been dismal at best.
If it helps, and you guys have found good Chiropractors, by God, hang on to them. I wouldn't be found in a Chiropractor's office, and I wouldn't wish one on anyone. Ever.
I had bad ones and now I have a great guy if not for him and my general Doctor lady I would have went nut's. Jim my Chiro is secondary or not a preferred provider on my insurance and the guy takes what my insurance pays and doesn't charge me the extra. Sadly my back is past the stage where he can help much, once every few weeks I get tangled up where I walk pretty funny and can't straighten up and he can still fix that. but that's about it along with the neck adjustments.

In fact I think most including my employer thought I was faking until they took a lower back MRI and guess what there it was, they didn't pick it up on the regular full back MRI go figure. Still waiting for L & I to try and screw me. pricks. I wish we could transfer the pain to the doubters I bet they would go home crying like babies, pricks!!v
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