Re: Gift ideas???
Originally Posted by SteveDMatt
I haven't bought a Christmas gift for my wife for a few years now. We had agreed to not buy anything although she always gets me something and makes me feel like a dic*.
Well, this year we had our first child and I feel the need to get her something from the baby. But I am totally lost. I have no idea where to start. I try to avoid jewelry. She's not a flashy gal. The only jewelry she wears all the time are her wedding and engagement rings.
Help me out guys! and girls!
How about a nice picture frame with an adorable snapshot (minus the Eagles jersey  ) of your child?
If you have a bunch of digital photos, you could get one of those digital frames that does a slide show.
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
-John Wooden