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Old 05-15-2011, 03:35 PM   #29
Suck It
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Default Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

I think what they all mean is that no one here seems to regard very highly people who sign up to sell stuff.
Selling habanos in the open forums here is already prohibited, and doing so in a situation where no
one knows who you are, where you are from, why you are here, etc, is a recipe for disaster all around.
These types of things often go into an intro post, where people can get an idea of who you are and how you
discovered our forum, why you are here, what you like to smoke, etc. Strange as it may seem, you are not the
first person to ever sign up with the single purpose of a free appraisal or a quick buck. While you may in fact not be
either one, that's how you started out, and that's how people will likely view you. Hope that helps.
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