Originally Posted by Blueface
Best cure.........lose weight.
Do leg raises and other exercise to strengthen back.
Most folks I know post surgery are not much better than before.
Very true. Do not rush to surgery and most surgeons are not going to rush you either if you can go to the bathroom or can walk. I have been through this without surgery.
Consider the below as a roadmap. You are already getting a cortisone shot. This is your chance to make changes to your body before the shot wears out and hopefully you won’t need a 2nd one.
Think of your spine, you want to get it straight and create space between each vertebra.
-Not having it straight inhibits energy flow out of the spine and central nervous system. It also puts unequal stress on disks and furthers your condition. Chiropractor is the key to this. It may get worse before getting better, but keep the goal of getting things aligned and your bulge almost has to go away…
-Creating space in the spine should have obvious reasoning to you. The most space between vertebrae, the less the pressure on the disks.
Think of the above as a one-two punch all done with specialists. This is not cheap even with insurance, but is nothing like the pain you have and will have if you don’t do this.
Start practicing yoga and stretching to create space. Take some pilates classes to strengthen your core without stressing the back. Get on a plan with a good chiropractor who will oversee you exercise program and stretch you before adjusting. There are yoga and pilate instructors in every city. After a few classes of each with an istructor, you should be able to handle a class.
Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate
Thanks for all of the advice and comments. I wouldn't even consider surgery if it was just "normal" back pain. But I have pain that shoots down my leg and in my foot allllllll day long.
You have sciatica straight up. As long as you are twisted & compressed on the lower back, you'll have inflamation of the nerve and it ain't going away no matter how much booze or pills you take.