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Old 05-15-2011, 01:41 PM   #17
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Default Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

Originally Posted by robj153 View Post
Ok... So the pictures are on my computer but when i try to " insert image" in this message box it is asking me for the url address. It doesnt let me browse my files and just attach the pic files. Can anyone give me advice how to show you all these pictures?
For that method, you need to upload them to a free image host, like imagur, imageshack, photobucket, etc then insert the "direct link" code for each photo into that url popup box.

You can also upload them to your photo album here, although the image dimensions and file size are restricted (97KB and 640x480 IIRC). I believe that the system will resize the photos for you on the upload. Then you can just copy the BB link code from under each photo and paste it directly into the message body. You can access your photo albums by clicking on your user name in the upper right hand corner of the screen, directly under the CA banner. Look on the right side of page that it lands you on for "Albums"

Or, you can use the attachment function under "additional options" in the advanced reply (to post) to attach images. File size is restricted to 97KB, but dimensions are not restricted. You can attach a maximum of 5 photos per message.
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