Originally Posted by Blueface
The dead guy IS relevant, as is the dead girl.
It is about the risk of surgery, which is the OP's direction he may be headed.
The first dead guy had back problems, paralysis and surgery.
Again, pure relevance.
I disagree-clots are a high risk for those who are immobile/paralyzed. Many techniques are used to minimize risk for clots, such as SCD's, ted-hose, medication such as coumadin, and getting the patient
walking as soon as possible after surgery. To imply that DT died because of back surgery is ludicrous. The OP's procedure is not one in which he is suffering from paralysis (a leading cause of clot formation in itself), thus he's going to have minimal risk. If surgery alone was that big of a risk leading to clot-related deaths, millions would be dying off I guess.
That said, surgery is far from a first step without considering less invasive procedures, but consult with some recommended doctors in your area for the best advice.