Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX
Congrats to the Sharks. Some great play tonight.
It was a great series. I was hoping my wings could pull it off but I'm not upset with how they played tonight. Now I'm just looking forward to Vancouver beating SJ like the red-headed step children they are
Congrats to the Sharks, they played better for longer. While I feel the Wings outplayed them for 40 of the 60 minutes last night, the Sharks played better in 4 of the 7 games; not necessarily the ones they won, but overall.
Originally Posted by icehog3
Congrats to the Wings for a good season...I sure hope Lidstrom comes back.
Congrats to the Sharks on their second straight trip to the Western Conference Finals. I will be rooting hard for them, but I don't have a lot of confidence that they can beat Vancouver, but few will be happier than I if they do.
How about an opening game shutout for Antti ("Niemi says 'NO' "), and the game winner for Ben Eager?
Happy for you Mike!
Sad for you Mike! 
Funny, Tyr's pulling for the Nucks and Tom is rooting for anyone but the Nucks (i.e. the Sharks). I'm sure it will be fun to watch, but then again it is the battle of the Western Conference's choke artists.

Both teams needed a 7th game to advance after going up 3-0 in these playoffs. I won't even mention their decades of prior playoff asphyxiation.
Originally Posted by Ahbroody
Tyr that red headed stepchild has knocked you out two yeats in a row so I will just say. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYZyu...e_gdata_player
In all seriousness though Wings showed a ton of heart and pride. Dats and Zet are great. I hope Cleary is all right. That was scary. In the end the Sharks got Clowe back and with Cleary and that POS Bersmoochi pulling up lame the Sharks eeked it out. I can only hope I dont have to hear Mike complain about some random call or noncall that cost the Wings the series. I thought as a whole the refs let the boys play.
Scott I couldnt agree with your post more. As a Sharks fan and all the times the Wings did the Sharks we just like to see them fail. Its not right, but its fact. I was stunned they finally called that pick on the Wings in game 7. That one was really blatant. I take some joy in mentioning they had been doing it all series and having them call it. Thats the little stuff they always get away with I know you were referring to.
I actually watched almost the whole game as Micah wanted to skip hockey practice to watch the big game.
Tom I dont have a lot of faith either, but I can only hope Luongo $hits his pants as I dont think Nemo will. Both teams have a history of collapse. I do think after how banged up Detroit is right now the Sharks health wise had the better chance.
Mike, Mike, Mike, I will not make excuses. As I said, the Sharks deserved to win the series. I was hoping that the Wings could steal one. It seems many teams in the past have stolen games or even series from the Wings and I don't remember the Wings ever doing it to anyone else. Probably because they've been a 1 or 2 seed for almost 20 years. I guess if you're a top seed and you win, you didn't steal it you were supposed to win. But, I digress.
I understand your disdain for everything red and white. I feel the same about the damn teal and black. Ever since they ousted the Wings in the 93-94 playoffs (an 8 over a 1 seed) I have had a healthy dislike for the fish.
Anyway, now I have to put my support behind "The Captain" and hope he can hoist the cup as a GM in Florida.