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Old 05-13-2011, 10:14 AM   #13
Suck It
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Default Re: Fresh Water Tanks

Originally Posted by Mugen910 View Post
I miss my silver arrowana

Grew to about 2ft long in my 125gl tank
Arrowanas are BAD A$$ FISH!

Grumpy, there is NO WAY I would be feeding an oscar 10-20 feeders a day!!
You have to vary their diet, and the filth of fish on fish carnage will KILL a tank. Keep a fishbowl of feeders with an airstone
and give Oscars one or two feeders a week, tops. Shrimp pellets, soft dog food, an occasional fresh shrimp, crickets, ants
various other insects infrequently. Save yourself time and trouble and don't feed so may live fish. Granted, your oscar will
mouth shrimp pellets and spit them out MAYBE once you wean them off live fish, but once they get hungry enough they will
begin eating them. I am no veterinarian, but this is solid advice for you. Those HLLE spots could definitely be from too
specific a diet. Granted fish on fish makes sense, but these fish in the wild eat many more insects than other fish.

OH, and I DO KNOW that watching the oscar hunt and feed is part of the appeal, very much so...but it is not good for them
to eat like that exclusively.
Edit: OK, my bad, I get carried away. Besides people's fish are personal kinds of relationships, and I should not try to
make statments like that. Oh, and I see now where you said you GOT the fish in that condition....shutting up now, lol.

Last edited by OLS; 05-13-2011 at 10:19 AM.
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