Gratz Sharks!
I don't think I have the same weird Love/Hate thing for any other team like I do the Wings.
I would kill to have Babcock coaching my favorite team, and Datsyuk and Zetterberg are a better all-around pair of players than any other 2 I can think of. But...I can't stand the Wings as a team. They get away with more penalties than any team I have ever seen, ever.
There may not be one single player I wouldn't want on my team, with the exception of bertuzzi, he is dead to me. But put that entire line up in a game, and I hate them.
I cheer against them virtually every time I see them, and I just rejoice in their collective failure. I can justify that by knowing that individually, the players I like are still great players, they just happen to be on the team I want to fail.
I'm so glad they are gone, I don't even care who wins the cup this year, as long as they don't!