Fridge died / rant
Well got back late last night from my 4 day trip to Orlando with my girl and low and behold when I walk into our apartment I can smell something odd in the air. My first thought was that my girlfriends sister (who had come by a couple times we were gone to feed out pets) might have left something out or forgot to take out some trash.
Well no
I open the fridge to put in a bottle of water and bam!!!! Hot stinky air. Seeing as it was 12 am no one was at the maint office so here I am filling 3 yes 3 large black trash bags with spoiled food.
Now the few dollars I was able to save on out trip that I was gonna buy a couple smokes with has to be spent on restocking a WHOLE fridge/freezer.
Sorry guys I'm just a little ticked off that this happened while i was gone and therefore lost all of our chicken, meat and fish along with everything that was in the fridge.
Ok I'm done
/end rant

They aren't going to multiply....burn that b!tch!