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Old 05-11-2011, 03:00 PM   #1983
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Default Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by thenewguy View Post
You also have to look at Vancouver sitting while Detroit is on their roll. Same thing as the Wings sitting around stagnant the whole time while waiting on the Sharks to finish business... I think that coming into the WF with all that momentum, Vancouver is sure going to have their hands full. At least I hope so.. GO WINGS
To question the logic here one only needs to look at last years Sharks Wings series where the Wings went 7 and got rolled by the stagnant Sharks in 5. That Yotes Wings series was back and forth and I would argue less emotionally draining then this series. IF. Thats a big if still the Wings advance I still think they are ripe for picking. The Canucks are legit. I know Toms logic is they have a history of folding, but this team has been built well. I think there is the hatred trickling in clouding the judgement also. They were able to overcome Luongo $hitting his pants multiple times against the Hawks and I think Lous heads good now. He was strong against the Preds. Now I know the Preds are not an offensive Juggernaut, but I think the speed of the Canucks there depth, having a few players you need to be concearned about going cheepshot and the goalie advantage says its over in 6 to me maybe 5. If its the Sharks maybe a sweep. or maybe they win. Who friggin knows as this series has shown its why you play the game. One things for sure the Canucks are not the Sharks.

Agree Mike most Sharks fans are just hoping the Sharks decide to play their game and not let Det in their head.
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