Re: Any Ping Pong Players Here?
My dad came back from Salvation Army one saturday with a net, 4 paddles and a small sleeve of balls.
I already had a can of "chalkboard Paint" I had picked up at SA a month before. he painted me up
a piece of 3/4 inch plywood and I striped it with tape and me and the kid next door wore it OUT for a year
until we moved on to other stuff. Back then kids, you see, there was no such thing as the internets, and a
kid was as likely as not to disappear out the door at 8 am and come back at dusk without so much as
an explanation as to where he had been. Our little table on saw horses was on the side of my house by the
A/C unit. HOURS I'm tellin ya....hours and hours. Then I think fishing took over when they cut a brand new road
that ran parallel to the river but was back in the swamp. The fishing was crazy good for a decade. It was a hell
of a haul on a bike with a pole, a tackle box and a bucket, but so worth it. I had a compost pile that grew
worms 3/8 inch thick and 8-9 inches long. An endless supply....yeah, I like ping pong.