Originally Posted by schnell987
OK, I'll go first....
1) Is it really necessary to rest the pipe for a day or two to let it "dry out" before using it again? If you don't do this, what will happen?
2) Do you need to have a separate pipe(s) for aromatic tobaccos or can you scrape the bowl to get the ash off and then smoke the Virginia or English tobaccos without the aromatic flavor bleeding over?
Thanks in advance for your input.
Number one was well answered...just a quick thought on your second question...you DO NOT want to scrape off the carbon that your bowl will begin filling with...that's cake and that's good as long as it's not too thick...if it gets to be about the thickness of a nickel use a reamer to take it back down to the thickness of a dime...that cake will help cool the smoke and will greatly reduce tongue bite (as will smoking slowly)...your pipe should always be almost on the verge of going out more or less...and if you have to relight a few times it's no biggie..btw, I have my pipes separated into three categories...one for English/Balkan mixtures, one for aromatics and one for Virginia's and Va/Pers...
Originally Posted by tedrodgerscpa
I have a question for an old fart...
What's the best way to prep flake tobacco for smoking?
Not sure that 'flake' is the best way to describe it, but I'm talking about something that looks like this...
I do O.K. with the "Cake" style, but these big ol' flakes confuse me a bit!
Flake...fold it length-wise first then width-wise and stuff it in..that's basically it...I find flake smokes better in pipes with narrower chambers that take about one flake...and you need to leave a little room in the bowl as flake will expand...or you can take a flake and ball it up in between your palms and rub it out so it's more ribbon like and then use any filling method you normally use...
Originally Posted by dunng
What's the best way to get started? Cheap starter pipes? Basic tobacco? Necessary tools? Thanks!
Greg (A.K.A Reformed Poddie) 
Corncob pipe, Czech pipe tool, pipe cleaners and maybe a simple burley that won't bite too much...stay away from gloppy drugstore aromatics like Cherry Blend as they're loaded with PG solution to keep them moist and bite like hell...other drugstore stuff like Prince Albert may be a good starting point...