Let me start off by saying, i know this isn't a gun forum which is why im posting this here! before you all get

let me explain.
I'm well aware my question has been beaten to a dead horse, i guess its kinda like saying "which is the best cigar?" on this board. But that is why i'm asking here and not on a handgun forum, i want peoples opinions about which handgun would be best for me (i know there are a lot of variables but again please bare with me!).
IF you were in my shoe's which handgun would you choose given the following information. I obviously will be going to ranges (assuming theres one close by that rents guns) to see what i like as well so please don't assume that i will buy something just off what people say on here. I'm using this as a starting point i guess you could say. So many brands and models i'm clueless as where to start looking.
Price range: 700roughly give or take 100.
Use: Fun at the range double up as home protection (don't live on the safe side of town +one of my best friends who i view as my little sister will be moving in with me this next year).
Previous shooting experience:
12 gauges
410 shot gun
tompson yea... i'm gangster!
.9mm CZ with a .22LR conversion as well (shot both)
Garand rifle
Personal specs: 5'11, 185 pounds i would say my hands are a average medium.
I would also like one that i can throw things like a flashlight and have the possibility of perhaps a red dot on it as well, unless there are big reasons why i shouldn't. I'd say i'm comfortable with/around guns (as long as i know the person holding the gun knows how to handle it) and using them just never owned one before.
useless info?: At the pistol range today using my buddies 9mm CZ with the .22LR i feel i did fairly well. My grouping while using the 22 shocked me at how well i did and i'd say whooped my buddy who owns the gun. But when we switched to the .9mm he went downhill. My groupings where still tight but not on target (he did say the sights were a bit off on the .9mm though). The gun felt great in my hand and the trigger pull i was very happy with only thing i didn't like about it was the fact the trigger and the trigger guard felt like they were too far forward and i could barely touch the far edge of the guard with my trigger finger.
Targets were 25feet away i can snap pics if people want.
Thanks in advance!