So thank the Sun and the Stars that it has become warm enough, even if for just a few days, that I can bike commute to work. It is something that I really enjoy doing and obviously there is the fitness factor, getting in a solid hour of cardio without really having to do anything....
I keep 3ish change of clothes at the workplace, which gets switched out when I drive, when needed. I pack new underwear &/or socks when I commute, it doesn't take any room in my little pack with cell phone, wallet, swipe card to get into work, keys ect.
Okay, so today I get to work, grab a pair of pants and shirt that has been sitting in a work closet for months. The shirt was clean, but the pants had be worn and were folded. I go shower and head back to my office to start the day.
Close to 4 hours later, I'm walking by the restroom(not close, not even on the same floor as the restroom/locker room) and there is what looks to be a gray shirt lying on the ground. A closer look, IT IS MY UNDERWEAR.
It is not uncommon to pull off my pants and underwear in a rush to get out of work, fold them together and put them in the closet. Somehow, they came out on my way to the shower this AM. It was early, minimal lighting in the office, I was a little gassed from the ride....who knows how I missed them, but I did.
Anyway, I laughed out loud...held them up to confirm and stated matter of factly "It's my underwear" I think the colleague walking next to me about fainted.... She scurried off red faced like I had just shown her my junk.
Now in a perfect world, none of this would have happened and admittedly I was a bit embarrassed at my mistake. But I find it odd the shock and awe a pair of gray cotton boxers will bring....
Sorry for the novel, thought it was a funny story to share....
Will not live this down for a bit....