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Old 05-02-2011, 07:00 PM   #2
Gravy Boat Winnah.
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Default Re: Zero Halliburton Lighting Solution (step-by-step)

Gonna paint it baby blue to match the Halli?

Good solution.
I put an LED version of a lightstick in mine, Sylvania brand also. Yours is much more elegant of a solution.
Oh, and I like yours quite a bit better.

I suppose I should actually herf more often. But I really don't like people.

You need a step 4. Grab a cigar and smoke it while admiring your hard work.
Tell the significant other it took about 2 hours to install custom lighting, she will be impressed.
Some days call for a stiff Pomade.

Last edited by replicant_argent; 05-02-2011 at 07:06 PM.
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