Originally Posted by Ahbroody
Are you fans of both teams or is this that ridiculous Canadians need a team from Canada to cheer for?
I've been a Habs fan my entire life, I consider myself a Canucks fan simply because I've lived in Vancouver for the last decade and my family is originally from here. The Canucknuckleheads are definitely my 2nd choice team though.
I don't buy into this Canada's team crap. Canada already has a national team, it won the gold at the Olympics last year and it's currently getting ready for the IIHF World Championship. As nice as it would be for a "Canadian" team to win the Cup, if it's not Vancouver or Montreal i don't really care anymore than if the winner is an "American" team. Hell, the Hawks have more Canadian's and British Columbian's than the Canucks. It's a more Canadian team than most of the teams based in Canadian cities.