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Join Date: Apr 2011
First Name: Mike
Location: Lockport, NY
Posts: 280
Re: Playstation Network ID's
elderboy02 - COD5: World At War
spooble - RB2, GH:WT, LBP, Baja, Pure
JE3146 - MGSO, GTA4, Warkawk, LBP/LBP2, DS 2, RDR/UN, U2, COD MW2
Mugen910 - Kaze978 (COD5)
GodofGravity - GTA4, LBP, Overlord, WipeoutHD, RFoM, SolCal 4
Tuxguy- NHL 09, Hot Shots Golf
nubcaked - R2, Warhawk, Fight Night 3
EnforcrFTW - Street Fighter 4
vajeep98 - cod 4, cod waw and gta 4- BBC2
Qualtox - Warhawk
GreekGodX - CoD, NHL '10, Madden
youknowloki, badcompany
Lascivious777 - COD MW2 pretty much exclusively. When Black Ops comes out I'll be on that.
drscholl14-COD MW2, MLB The Show10, NHL10
furyswrath, BlackOps
mhailey, cod mw2 but I'm just starting and getting killed, A LOT.
zeusone1COD MW2 only game I play
Knip23 - COD, Mortal Kombat/DC
apocobring (apoco) - LBP, Need For Speet Hot Pursuit, COD MW2 (occasionally)
youknowloki bad company, bad company 2, need for speed hot pursuit, black ops
Breakaway-88, Black Ops, NHL10 (mainly my kid, but I will get more involved in the games)
BigMc1982 - Killzone3
NotBrianWilson38 - Black Ops, Borderlands, MLB The Show 11
BBKA_Watcher - Black Ops, Borderlands, GTAIV, MW2,