Originally Posted by bobarian
You can always throw in a sheet of cedar from a box. If you dont have one you can probably pick one up at your local shop for free. Cedar just adds a nice smell but is not totally necessary. 
Ah, I see, thanks. Yea that box actually has a nice sheet in it too.
Originally Posted by chachee52
This is what I did for about a year or two. Now I have it to bring around with me now that I have a collection of cigars. It's not like it will ever go unused.
While it's more than some tupperware, I may go this route for the same reasoning. It would be nice to have to take on vacations and different places in general.
Thanks for the help. I'm obviously on a budget and can only smoke here and there, but I have an Opus X, ESG, and Fuente Anejo that I want to save for a good occasion and take good care of in the mean time.