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Old 04-25-2011, 06:31 AM   #24
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Default Re: Anyone else have a lizard problem?

Originally Posted by CoreyD View Post
I really don't see how sitting out in the yard or walking around and seeing lizards is a bad thing, I mean I always liked it when I was in places that had lizards walking around. Now if you lived in Indonesia and they were those huge ferocious lizards then I'd be worried.
Monitor lizards are a whole different story. LOL

And unfortunately, due to plenty of idjits, they are being released into the Everglades in FL, and doing some serious damage to native populations there. They will raid gator nests and eat the eggs. Not to mention all the pythons and boas that are being released down there, as well. They get sold as pets, and when the people get tired of them, or they get too big, they get released, because the zoos won't take them. They buy them when they're small, and think "Awesome!" but don't think about how they're going to handle them once they get past 8ft long and such.
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