Originally Posted by Stevez
Thanks for the advice guys. I really want it for enough target shooting to get good at it and limited conceal carry. I'm a big guy and not too worried about the size/weight. Thanks for the info on the lightweight models as I hadn't thought of that. I am leaning towards the Gold Cup but haven't done a great deal of searching the internet but it seems when I do everything Colt is out of stock. I was expecting a very hard time finding a reputable on-line dealer that had some decent inventory to choose from. I'll try the website and thanks for the one to stay away from. I've visited them before! Steve
There are no "online dealers" per se. On GunsAmerica local gun shops post individual pistols/rifles for sale, or new in the box models at a set price. You use their "Find an FFL" tool to find a local dealer, many of which list their cost right on the site. You make arrangements with them to receive the firearm. Next you contact the seller, arrange for payment and give them the info of your FFL. After that all you have to do is pay the seller and pick up your gun from the local FFL once it come in. Local ordinances might require purchase permits and whatnot, but that varies of course.