I can't even get a Coca Cola near my nose as a result of my rum and coke experiment when I was around 19 or 20. Every time I got tangled up in that stuff I got sick during and after.
I'm just starting to eat fish again after a 30 year layoff. We lived on a lake and I had to filet buckets upon buckets of near-frozen panfish from our ice-fishing forays. After just so much grossness, I just lost the taste for fish. Heck is, I really like it. It's just the connection, ya know?
When I was a kid, I always got fed jello when I was sick. Then I'd go to the nursing home or hospital and there it was, more jello. I still can't eat it, I doubt I ever will. Once again, I actually like it. The association is just too strong.
There are countless smells that put a smile on my face. Ones that "bring me back" or just make me happy. Bread baking is probably the second biggest one. If a woman wants to catch a man, she should either get bread baking perfume of slab of pig on a smoker perfume. That'd get the job done every time.
The biggest one is how my wife smells. It absolutely drives me out of my mind, in a good way.