04-22-2011, 08:12 AM
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Dice
Location: Galaxy Far Far Away
Posts: 10,168
Re: Funny How Your Brain Associates Things
Originally Posted by RHNewfie
I find it amazing how your brain can cause an old physical response to a current situation.
I have 4 cigars in my humi that turn my stomach to look at. I picked them up on a trip to MI where I picked up the stomach flu.
I had never been hung over in my life until one fateful day when red wine and I got along far too well. The next morning I was making Folgers coffee when I got sick. To this day the smell of Folgers turns my stomach... Only Folgers.
Anyone else have a similar story?
This would explain why the sight of Mean Darrell turns my stomach!!!
Smoke what you like!!!