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Old 04-21-2011, 09:01 PM   #364
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Default Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by CoreyD View Post
So today I was talking to a worker at the B&M and we were talking about what I kept my humidity at and I told him i am usually between 62 and 65 and he wondered why so low he told me some wrappers split and crack at that humidity but I have yet had a problem. He suggested near the 70 marker but yet I could swear on here between 63 and 65 was good.
Ever smoke a cigar out of a B&M humidor? They go out on you AT LEAST twice. High RH does that. Also they get so spongy you almost cannot smoke them below say 35%.

Most workers in B&M's really have no clue. I hate to say it but they really don't know much more then they are told.

B&M shops have to keep their humidors up at 70-73 RH to make up for all the traffic they get. Opening the door a lot and whatnot. I'm still convinced they could drop the RH to 68 and things would work out much better for everyone. But that's just my guess.

The few cigars I've smoked out of the Humidor at work always go out on me A LOT. The ones I bring from home usually never go out on me. Unless of course I leave them for a few minutes. Much easier to nub my own sticks or at least smoke them down to the band.
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