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Old 04-20-2011, 09:49 PM   #55
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Guns are just like cigars. Each will feel right in a different persons hand. I know a lot of the 1911 issues are ammo related. Once you start tightening up the tolerances on that platform for better accuracy it gets to be a very picky eater in my opinion. I love my Sig 226 as much as my colt commander. Got an 4in XD in 9mm about 6 months ago. I have a glock 19 I am waiting to get the grip reduced on. Depending on what I am doing and wearing will really play a huge part in which tool I grab. The most important part is find one you like to shoot and that fits well. Then get a good belt and holster and start shooting.
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