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Old 04-20-2011, 12:21 PM   #46
crazy diamond
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Default Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by HollywoodQue View Post
Very true Pete, I like to carry my SW airweight off duty...its light weight and easy to carry in your pocket.....agreed, if it takes more than 5 shots, then your Fu**ed...
You're not the only LEO I have heard make this statement and carry a 38 off duty.

My brother in Jersey is a Leuitenant, and feels that they are the best choice.

I spend most of my time in cargo shorts and find it perfect in my front pocket in a Desantis Nemesis holster.

I added Crimson trace laser grips not long after buying it so a relatively inexpensive handgun became not so inexpensive.

I had a Kel Tec P11 for a short time but found it to be the biggest piece of junk, although many LEO carry it due to it's compact frame.

It all boils down to personal preference, but after a lot of trial and error, a 38 in the pocket and a Mossberg in the house has me feeling somewhat secure.

The Smith and Wesson scanduim 357 360 model caught my eye, but shooting 357s in a small frame left my hand throbbing to the point that I would never practice, and I feel a 38 plus p round has plenty of stopping power with 4 behind it to be certain.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane"
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