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Old 04-20-2011, 12:15 PM   #44
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Default Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by 357 View Post
The US government issued them as the standard sidearm for all branches of the military for 75 years (1911-1985).

Infact, the 1911 was put through rigorous testing before it was selected:

IMO there is nothing wrong with the 1911 design. There have been improvements to them over the past century, but the basic design is still the same.
Yeah, they have a great history and don't get me wrong I really like 1911's. My hang up is that some are very finicky i.e some like to be dry, some very oiled, some clean, some dirty. Awesome gun to shoot and have fun with, just that I have seen way to many go bang once and then stop working and have to be fiddled with to get back into action, I would save my 1911's for the range on the weekends and go M&P or Glock for everyday carry.

And remember military contracts usually go to the lowest bidder
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