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Old 04-20-2011, 11:13 AM   #7
Sultan of Cigars
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Default Re: E-85 Not worth the effort!!

Originally Posted by Silound View Post
E-85 wasn't really designed for high power high volume engines. It has something like 30% less energy potential per unit of volume than gasoline (which places it some 60% behind diesel).

Where E-85 lends itself favorably was the idea that it could be produced locally in agricultural areas which limited the transportation costs, as well as used in smaller lightweight vehicles that need less power (as opposed to a truck).
Originally Posted by emopunker2004 View Post
the more you read, you'll see that there is no benifit. plus the corn used to make ethanol takes up land that could be used to produce food corn. governmental subsidies is the name of the game. oh, it also takes more energy to make it than the ethanol itself produces.
Good stuff here.
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