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Old 04-20-2011, 10:23 AM   #146
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Tatuaje Saints & Sinners club

Wow this thread went downhill fast.
I am waiting to see if they officially confirm the sampler. If they do than I will more than likely pay the price to play. 15 sticks for $150 (for Tats) is not too bad so if I end up never using any of the discounts it's no big deal. I will look at it the same as if I bought a sampler here from another BOTL. I think all around Pete is getting beat up on this S&S thing which is why your seeing some of the posts on Facebook regarding S&S and people being pissy. My only issue was the e-mail that was released was rather vague and did not mention getting any solid goods in return for your membership fee like mentioned in previous posts. The actual idea of the club itself does not bother me just the fact that before the released e-mail Pete mentioned getting sticks and swag in return for joining where as the e-mail basically said it will be $150 for a lot of fluff and never mentioned the hard goods.
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