Originally Posted by T.G
I can see them rapidly ramping up manufacturing to meet the demand, but if in the process there is a lowering of the quality of that supply to get more cigars out there, they would turn off a large part of an entire possible customer base because they would be producing poorly made cigars. Couple that with it's almost a given that vendors will ramp up the prices regardless, you've got a combo for losing an entire market segment almost instantly. Once the novelty wears off, the populous won't pay a high price for a tent peg more than two or three times before going back to their Macanudos and NC whatevers that don't have the quality problems. If there is reduced quality, there will be a reduced demand and prices will have to follow suite.
Although I agree with you on almost everything here, I do hesitate to agree that the demand will drop dramatically because of lower quality cigars. I can assure you that there are enough douche bags out there who are willing to drop serious cash on these sticks simply because Cubans would now be the "in" thing to smoke and it would impress their colleagues and friends. Just because they are crap sticks does not mean that the palates of these idiots would become more refined. Although the purchases of these idiots would probably not be enough to create a large demand, it may keep the demand afloat for a few years at least until they realize their foolishness. Just my