Thread: beer hauls
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Old 04-19-2011, 06:57 PM   #1114
Suck It
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Default Re: beer hauls

OK, bags o scum, you hooked me into this tremendous waste of money and time.
Wen't by Buster's tonight
and saw a lot of good items, but none of the ones that seem to be popular over the last few pages, anyway.
I saw, but didn't know if I should grab, that Dogfish Palo Santo. I knew that "brand" was popular, but wasn't
sure if it was 'the right one" lol. I did grab some things I thought might be good enough, though. I don't know if
it's better to know NOTHING and fumble around in the dark, or to know a LOT and find nothing on the shelf to
claim as a true prize. I'll give Buster's credit, though, they TRY! $46 for the lot.
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