Originally Posted by Bill86
I don't think the "BOTL" are the reason he releases a new cigar every day....I'm sorry I think it's because he's a whore and just wants to pad his wallet with money from cigars that all taste the same. Along with some dumb@$$ trendy name, band or packaging. He's the Justin Bieber of the cigar world. A joke. In my book his good cigars are about 2/10 so he's shooting 20% IMO.
I've stated this before he's laughing in your faces......Tatuaje - Tattoo....are you kidding me?!?! Tattoo Tattoo......that's just so creative, notice how he's putting the same bands on his cigars now? Not even changing the bands! Just the words on them! I feel like I'm preaching on deaf ears though.
I want to see a post where someone says "PETE PLEASE RELEASE 400+ CIGARS A YEAR!" Then I want to see say..... 10,000 people that agree. You won't find that anywhere.....it doesn't exist. No one is forcing him to release 400+ cigars a year.
The only people that defend Pete are the few that can afford to keep buying all these LE cigars. So of course if you have the coin you're going to say RELEASE MOAR!!!!! If you, like most people cannot afford 400 boxes a year.... you are probably sick and tired of this pathetic charade.
Come to the dark side, we have cookies.
 My 8 cents.
This comment was completely unnecessary. Let's all try and not attack people directly please. In this post there are attacks on Pete Johnson AND those who buy his cigars. I am not a mindless idiot and I am not "one of the only people..." but that's what I hear you saying in this post. "Smoke what you like." THAT is what a BOTL would say.
In a polite debate one does not attack a person and that is what is being done in this thread.