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Old 04-19-2011, 02:13 PM   #128
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Default Re: Tatuaje Saints & Sinners club

Originally Posted by Brooks W View Post
I cringe every time someone decides to pass judgement on Pete, when all he is doing is what people ASK him to do, release (mostly great) cigars. Someone on another board was *****ing because Pete said he was going to give some of the money to charity...REALLY? I understand if you don't want to support Pete if he is giving money to a Charity you don't like, but do you really have to deride him for that?

I was there when the idea of the "Fan Club" was discussed, some of the people I was with actually kinda talked Pete into it (or at least gave him some reasons why he should do it)...It made perfect sense at the time, a membership with exclusive stuff that anyone who WANTS to can join, and those that don't can choose NOT to join.

Would people prefer he not release ANY new stuff? Or only on a specific schedule? One new cigar every 6 months? Or is that still "too many"?

PETE is not the one causing the division, it is the "BOTL" who ***** and moan about EVERY NEW RELEASE, as if it has not been said Ad nauseam.

Pete is in the business to A. Release cigars and B. Make money releasing cigars. If you have a problem with either, don't BUY the cigars (or related products he is selling).

Is it really that hard to understand?
Well said Brooks! Get off Pete's Nuts and live your own life! Cigars are for the most part a "Man thing"... Some of these guys need to realize that and start acting as such.... or they need to give up cigars start smoking cigarettes and/or blunts and join a F'n pole dancing class! I believe "P. Diddy" said it best! NO *****ASSNESS!!! We really need to adopt this theme and take it to heart in the cigar community!
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