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Old 04-19-2011, 11:26 AM   #119
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Default Re: Tatuaje Saints & Sinners club

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Anyone that wants to join my inner circle can enter any time you want. Just stop over and we'll have a cup of coffee and you can smoke any of my exclusive cigars you like. There's a very good chance I'll send you away with a new member fiver, too.
If you like, you can watch my youtube videos and join my facebook. You can even have dinner with us. If I have something you truly need, I'll be happy to give you 100% off on it, and you won't ever have to renew your membership.
If you're coming through and need somewhere to stay, we'll make room for you.
We'll have a real good time, and you won't have to have signed up in advance.
I mean that from the bottom of my heart, and I'd venture to guess that a very large portion, if not all the botl's here express the same sentiment.

I think that's why this whole "exclusive saints and sinners lifestyle" thing tends to rub the wrong way. In my book, as brothers, we are all equal, and are to love each other to the very best of our ability every day. We see it happening here every day.
If anyone wonders "why the animosity?", there ya have it.
I hope to think no one is truly upset, and I don't think anyone is, it's just a departure from the brotherly aspect of what we do, and that can't be denied.
It's probably a bit "cookie-jar-ish". When has someone taken enough from the community that he's overstepped some heartfelt line?
I think Pete, albeit a good natured, nice and decent guy, stepped right over that line with this one. I'm guessing a lot of the brothers feel exactly the same way. It's upsetting, and it's disappointing.
I personally feel he's gone from BOTL to Thompson's Cigars with this move, which is okay if that's what he wants, but I somehow feel both alienated and less than worthy of his presence.
And I don't like it.
Despite that, I wish him the best, and I wish him all I'd want for myself and my family, plus a whole lot more.

great post scott
100% agree
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