Thread: Pain in my ARSE
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Old 04-19-2011, 07:04 AM   #1
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Default Pain in my ARSE

Well..... I just have to share & kinda laugh at myself. I missed the SC Sit-in this weekend. Let me just get to it!

I fractured my Coccyx!!!! Yes my tailbone.

It happened while enjoying myself in Mexico doing crazy Cliff Diving and Cave jumping( two weeks ago). I had a blast!!!!!

This has always seemed to be kinda funny when you see someone with a doughnut. We all do it.....hahaha they broke their arse!!

I am here to share with y'all........This is a serious pain, uncomfortable, embarassing, funny. Mind you I have given birth to a child. That only hurt for a couple of days!!!!

Thanks for listening. Remember no matter how much cushion you are pushin you can still cause some damage!
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