Originally Posted by shilala
Bill, I carted a Coolermaster 840. It meets my needs and it's real expandable, plus it supports dual psu's which is perfect.
Thanks for recommending coolermaster, that's what I'm using right now and never thought of it.
I already have a Denon receiver with Klipsch 5.1 surround speakers, so that's good. I just need decent onboard sound.
I already have 3-19" Samsung monitors. I may add one more. In a land of dreams I'd add three more, but it'll never happen. One more is reasonable and it'd be nice if I can match the other 3.
I had the 965 6-core carted already, this is kinda getting scary now.
I carted the Asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 AM3 board. I'm not at all sure it'd got enough options, or if it'll handle the 6 cores. If you have any other ASUS recommendations (or anyone else does), I'd love to take a look.
I'd like to go ATI on the video cards, and I sure don't need nearly that much wee-yoo. I'm thinking 4 monitor support in the $150-200 range for each card? I haven't really looked, but you gave me a good starting point.
I need a memory and psu recommendation, too.
SSD HDD's are out of the question. I'm not gaming, and to waste money on the speed is silly. I make every one of my drives redundant. I'm currently running 3TB with 3TB worth of backup. The drives are 1 for 1, each hdd has a backup hdd. I'll continue that.
I may or may not rape my current system. I may let in run and use it for a media server. My mind isn't made up yet. I'll likely just rape it for the parts and toss the rest to save money. I can serve media from my new rig, right?
Thanks for all the help, brother. Talking to you really has the wheels turning. 
oh $hit sorry Scott I use a 1000W BFG PSU. But I hear they are out of business so the wanting of one would be much less. They use to rock a SOLID SOLID warranty. Now obviously there is none. I went with 1000W because it would theoretically "never need replacing". I've gone 4 years on it and I'm nowhere close to maxing it out. I try to buy things that will never need upgrading (cases, PSU's). Things that can really last 5+ years I buy the best of so I don't have to buy more anytime soon.
Memory, honestly what I did was get 4 gigs of the "mid price" ram that was needed for my MoBo. I've never had "bad ram". Although prices are very reasonable for 8gig-12 gig. I just don't find it currently necessary for my needs. However If I was buying new right now I would go 8gigs of the "mid priced ram". You'll get the most out of that.
For an OS I use Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I really like it, I hated vista and Xp was getting a bit old
I don't run an SSD on my gaming computer, however I find the loading speed of high memory windows 7 programs to load up much faster. If you need that sort of thing. You will really notice an improvement. However if you don't care/need it then not running an SSD would save you some coin. I run one on the Media center PC (aka my blu ray player windows 7 media center PC). Cut loading times by like 75%, so it was worth it.
Glad to be of help Scott, good luck with your new PC. Sounds like you'll have a very kick ass rig