Originally Posted by Bill86
I personally hate the glock frame more than life itself. They were not meant to be held by the human hand.
The best thing to do though is either shoot each of them or at least go to a gun shop and decided which fits your hands best.
I don't hate them, I just won't buy one. I agree, the Glock is about as ergonomic as a cinderblock, but that's my personal opinion. I'm a 1911 man myself, Kimber to be more specific. As the others have said, you have to find what you like.
If you plan on carrying, that too is a big thing to consider. A lot of people go out and get compact Glocks and other short-barrel double-stack handguns. I prefer the single-stack 1911 because it is thin and easy to carry with an inside the waistband (IWB) holster. Many of the double-stack weapons are not so easy to carry that way. I prefer an IWB for concealed carry, so the 1911 works well for me. If you prefer middle of the back, cross-draw, shoulder, or many other holsters, your options will vary accordingly.