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Old 04-18-2011, 12:28 PM   #34
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Default Re: Opinion on these Handguns

I have three Glocks in all three frame sizes; the little 26 in 9mm, the mid sized 23 in .40, and the full sized 21 in .45 ACP. I have all three of my pistols set up with Meprolight sights, and the factory 5 lb. connector. I can grab any one of them, and the sight picture / trigger pull is almost identical (save for sight radius). I have shot the crap out of these pistols, and really like them. Having said that.....
Originally Posted by hscmit View Post
the most important thing is how the gun feels in YOUR hand. the best way to make this decision is to actually fire each weapon. holding each will give a good idea but nothing beats a live fire to determine which weapon is the best fit for you
This hits the nail on the head. There is a sort of "zen" that you and a handgun have to have, if you are to function as a reliable team. While Glocks and my hands get along very well, there is no substitute for renting each of them at the local range and putting some lead downrange. After doing that, I think the choice for you will be obvious.

Quality wise, I would venture that they are all probably on par with each other. Shoot them all, then you tell us.

Or, just buy a Glock and be done with it........

Cheers - N.F.H.

Edited to add - I have to say out of all of them, for carry, the mid sized 23 in .40 would be my choice. .40 is a pretty darn hot round, and the 23 brings 13+1 of them to the table. YMMV, etc......

Last edited by BlindedByScience; 04-18-2011 at 12:33 PM. Reason: Added a comment.
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