Re: What's in your smoker?
Hahah, Adam, I just dump em out of the bag, wash em, shake rub on em and cook em.
Thanks, Bill, I thought I would just let em go yesterday, i was worried when I left that
the ribs would be in danger in a car(temps), but it never got over 40-sumpin yesterday,
so I think i just blew that they were smoked, so they were not gonna go bad.
Duane, I call too much smoke when they smell like doofus ribs, where you can tell people
have the desire to create great food but just drown the ribs in smoke, thick, chokey, white
wood smoke. I like to use a thin vapor of pure, blue smoke coming out of the
chimney. It makes a difference in the aroma of the cold meat. When you get the hang
of your machine and figure out the ins and outs, the do's and don'ts, you will begin to taste
the difference. You will have good cooks and bad cooks, just like everybody does.
A good way to describe too much smoke, when it smells like a house fire and not food.