04-16-2011, 09:10 PM
Neither here, nor there
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Pool
Posts: 3,696
Re: What's in your smoker?
Originally Posted by OLS
Scheduled to die tomorrow night :
1 each Ribs, Pork, Baby Back, rack
1 each Ribs, Beef, rack, small
12 each Wings, Chicken, Miss Goldy

My meat monger is kind enough to dispose of them before I start smoking them.
Originally Posted by OLS
I cooked up a rack of babys and a half-rack of dino bones last night, wanted to give my man Bill86 some ribs.
Once the Daiquiri machine kicked my ass, though, I was NOT a good chef and I think I over-smoked em.
All I know is they were pink to the freaking bone, lol. Bill will have to say if they were good or not. All I know is
I ALMOST forgot to snap em again, I cut the rack in two pieces and thought CRAP, I forgot the pics.
It also may comfort many of you to know that the dino bones are NOT as burnt as they look. This carmelized
fat looks like black coal but it's a light trick. I also added a blurry pic in true color to show how freaking pink
these ribs were, CLEAR to the bone. Amazing. But again, I think i threw a few too many pecan branches
on the coals before I went into he house and forgot about the pit....a LIL too smoky for my picky tastes.
Looking good!