Originally Posted by FrequenC
The angle of the picture makes it look a little awkward, but it's definitely a hole. it's a little bigger than a pin hole but my gut said it was damage because there were A) no beetle droppings and B) it looked smaller than what I've seen in pictures. However, I wanted to be on the safe side so I threw it in the freezer and checked the rest of the sticks that were with this one and they were all clear.
Thanks again for the confirmation folks! 
I cant blame you for being cautious. Since I got one, I throw all my sticks in the freezer now.. one day fridge, three days freezer, one day fridge... i think the days in the fridge lessens the "shock"
"One fart can foul the air for everyone" - Esteemed philosopher
"If avoiding the nasty $hit is being a snob, them I am guilty as charged."- Same esteemed philosopher.