Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill
...The grounds are coming out in a puck, so it looks like the grind is in the ballpark. The 3 cupper produces just over half a coffee cup, which is just about right for me. Cool little toy. 
Sounds just right - great start to what could be a lifetime of spectacular coffee.
Mokapot done badly, not a rare thing, is way below awful. I regret so many people - not CA people, I hope - get mokapots with expectations of instant no-brainer rich, Euro-coffee that they believe will exemplify "espresso". Bad grind and/or bad packing means no compression during the brew. The result is always underextracted, bitter, stringy nasty brown water. The stale beans most use for their morning electric drip coffee might make an OK drink with cream and sugar; the same stale stuff run thru a mokapot makes super-enhanced bad stuff.
Nice to see so many folks starting of with a smaller pot. That's always a plus for an easier, better brew. Understanding in advance that burr ground med/fine is required is another key to success. And, of course, freshly roasted quality beans brewed for 45-seconds approx. is the finishing touch to perfection.
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