Originally Posted by rrplasencia
I went to an all boys catholic high school where the teachers, priests, and brothers wouldn't of needed the cops, they would of charged the room themselves with paddles. you know the old school wooden boards with holes drilled into them.
I got this kind of treatment when I was in Catholic school during kinder and 1st. That school and it's treatment of kids is the exact reason I turned form God until my late 20's. That school showed me that God was represented by some old whore with a paddle that showed not love but hate. If God is represented by nuns, and nuns just scream, speak of Satan, and hit kids, then God must hate humans, right?
Originally Posted by OLS
Our society functions best when each child thinks first about how
his behavior affects the lives of others.
This part of what you mentioned is very true. Of course, adults should be a little more creative than just having to smack someone. When we are adults if we smack each other to prove a point it is unacceptable. As parents it is our job to teach our children how to function in society, among other things. Beating the sh*t out of them shows them what, that when we can't control another person we should hit them? Interesting.
I don't think this kid's behavior is excusable. Something, maybe even pepper spray, needs/needed to be done about him. He is an extreme example and all of society should not be judged based on how this one kid acts. I'm pretty tired of hearing all of this "old school" kids deverve a whoopin' sh*t though. My father beat us. He is a POS and it didn't teach us anything except to hate and detest him. It took us a while to get past the BS anger issues instilled in us from the abuse we took as children. Might does not equal right. I can beat the hell out of most people that stood in my way if I chose. Try challenging yourselves and figure out a more creative solution to your problems.
For the record, I still don't think this kid's behavior is justified. There is a real issue hear that does need to be dealt with, though. And others should not need to suffer or be put in danger due to his issues.