Originally Posted by forgop
On the Virtual Weber site, I had some posting about my first pork butt and dealing with temps/tenderness. The conclusion I came to was when cooking with something bone-in like a pork butt, you perform the "bone wiggle" maneuver of sorts. Thus if the bone doesn't feel like it's just gonna slide out from the meat literally falling off the bone, keep on cooking. It seems as long as you keep cooking it slow enough, to hell with what a thermometer says as you just go by the feel of it.
Kinna-sorta, this is why I asked you about 10 posts ago how it felt when you jabbed it with a fork and twisted, and what Jake was explaining about the connective tissues breaking down.
You have to hit certain internal temps for the connective tissues to break down and hold there before they will melt. Meat can be made to fall apart and have bone wiggle at a lower temp before all of the connective tissues have melted and it's final texture will reflect this.