Originally Posted by T.G
Possibly, but could be any number of things.
You said total weight on the two butts was 15.5lbs, right? They looked pretty equally sized, which would be about 7.75lb each or so, 8 hours cook time is pretty short if you were running 220F.
What was the internal temp when you pulled it off the cooker? And how did the meat feel when you jabbed it with a fork and twisted or a probe and wiggled?
Foil is kind of a controversial subject, but if you foil a butt toward the end of the cook (around 170F internal) and let it cook that way until it hits about 200F internal, then rest it, it'll practically fall apart on it's own because of the braising.
Use the fine shreds for pulled pork sandwiches with some BBQ sauce, pickles, onions and slaw, take the big chunks, chop them up a bit across the grain and use them for Bob's (chainsaw13) carnitas method about 10 posts back. 
My thermometer was giving crazy readings and all I could find to give me any kind of internal temp are those worthless electronic forks to tell you the temp (rare, med. rare, med., etc). I was paranoid about overcooking without having a real number to go by, so I pulled them. I'll also start the butts for an overnighter next time as well to have all day to bring up to the temp needed.
But I learned what to do next time and will be ordering a Maverick ET-73 cuz it seems to be the most preferred thermometer out there.
Now, it's time to excuse myself for some yummy pork.