I love spicy food and outside of home or family members homes where I can doctor it myself, I seldom find food at restaurants that are spicy enough for me.
Well a girl at work knows this and while eating at a place she enjoys called Tijuana Flats she got me an early Christmas present. A hot sauce called Endorphin Rush.

Holy Shite Batman! This stuff is soooo hot. I tried just a very small dab on my finger to taste. The flavor at first was very good, but then the heat just jumped all over me and lingered. Whew! Haven't tried it on any food yet but am looking forward to it. Read more about it here;
One of my favorites is Crystal Louisiana Hot Sauce.

Not overly hot but very flavorful and I just keep adding more of it if I want more heat.
Would be interested in hearing what some of the favorites of my fellow inmates are so I could see about trying some in the future.